In order to cancel a SafariNow booking, please contact our Reservations Team and request one of our consultants to cancel the booking for you (please have the SafariNow booking number handy). 

Once our consultant has cancelled your booking on SafariNow, you will receive an email detailing exactly what amount is owed to us for the cancellation. As per our terms of use, we reserve the right to charge the full commission on the quote value of the booking you are cancelling.

What cancellation fee can you expect?

  • If we have not yet onpaid the booking value to you for the cancelled booking, we will invoice you for the commission amount.

  • If we have onpaid the booking value to you for the cancelled booking, we will invoice you for the full amount we paid to you plus the commission amount.

In either case, the amount owed can be paid to us in two ways:

  1. If you have a confirmed future booking on SafariNow, we can offset the amount you owe us against this booking; or

  2. If you have no confirmed future bookings with us, you can EFT us the amount. You will be sent an invoice for the amount owed, and this invoice will show the banking details to use for this payment.

If you'd like to read more about our Terms of Use, please click the Terms of Use button on your establishment listing, as shown here: