Need to take your establishment off of SafariNow?

Simply send a short email to and we will deactivate your listing for you. If you have any future bookings scheduled with us, let us know if you intend to honour the booking or if we need to make arrangements with the guests to book them elsewhere.

Please send the request using the email address that is associated with your listing. If you need to send it from an alternative email address (for example. if you are the new owner of the property), we will need contact the seller associated with the account to ensure that the request is valid.

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Simply click on the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of our marketing email. You will then be removed from our marketing list.

Tags: delist, unlist, deactivate, delete account, delete SafariNow account, unlist accommodation, unlist property, delist property, delete property, deactivate property, delete listing, unlist property, unlist space