With over 150,000 listed properties, SafariNow is the biggest and most established travel accommodation booking network in Africa – and we’re growing by the day. For the past 19 years, we’ve worked tirelessly to craft the ultimate Internet travel service – one that leads the world from right here in Africa.

So why choose to work with SafariNow?

- With a dedicated customer support team available, we help our guests discover and book accommodation online.

- Our mobile-friendly website allows customers to book accommodation in an instant, visually-appealing way.

- You have the choice to accept bookings via 'instant book' or to deal directly with guests using our 'request a quote' function.

- We handle all payments for customers and establishments via our secure online payments gateway.

- We promote our establishments through Google Ads, emails, Facebook, and our partnership and affiliate programmes

With over 2,000 enquiries per day, an average booking value of R2,900, and over 40 passionate employees, SafariNow is value-driven, customer-centric, and powered by people since 1999.